September 2-4, 2022

The College Hackathon
In the context of a hackathon, the word "hack" is used to describe how multiple technologies can be used together in a new and innovative way. Teams of up to four people spend the weekend working on innovative software and hardware solutions to real-world problems. These projects range in platform and application, including elements of web development, mobile applications, drones, and more. However, many times the most important aspect of a hackathon are the community it generates and skills that inexperienced hackers walk away with.

The PennApps Difference
Founded in the fall of 2009, PennApps was the nation's first student-run college hackathon. Since then, it has spurred a revolution in the way engineering students develop and showcase their skills, spawning an entire "league" of hackathons across the nation. In the past years, over a thousand students from the U.S. and other countries like Switzerland, Canada, England, India and Singapore have converged in Philadelphia for a weekend of creation and discovery. Both beginners and experts alike will work together, learn and compete to become better engineers. This year, PennApps is expanding its focus on learning by emphasizing the collaboration of new and experienced hackers and providing more learning opportunities and workshops throughout the weekend.

Campus Ambassadors
At the start of every cycle, we ask the PennApps family if they would like to be a campus ambassador for PennApps. What this entails is spreading the word about PennApps at your local school, college or university. Campus ambassadors are an important part of the PennApps community and receive custom swag and perks at and before the event. Campus ambassadors have been announced.
The Application Process
Thousands of qualified candidates apply to participate in PennApps every year, however our space can only support a limited number of participants and as much as we'd like to take everyone, it just isn't possible. We think that the fairest way to decide who we invite is by asking everyone to tell us a little bit about themselves, so that we can invite people who have demonstrated interest and skill.
We don't expect everyone to have been to a hackathon before, in fact, we love first-time hackers having been there ourselves when we started! We're just trying to bring those who most want to really build something awesome and learn something new, and while we can't invite everyone, we're striving to continue building a community of diverse and amazing hackers at PennApps. Just show us what you've made, tell us about why you want to be at PennApps, and we'll do our best to get you here!
Applications are closed. Please check back in summer 2023 for the PennApps XXIV application.
If you are a Penn student, register with your Penn email at apply.pennapps.com.
We know you have a lot of questions, so check below for some of the most common answers. If you have other questions, drop us a line at [email protected].
Will PennApps be online or in-person this year?
We will keep everyone updated with this status according to the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances, but as of now, PennApps is BACK in-person :)
How much will PennApps cost me?
Not only will we provide you with a weekend's worth of swag, meals, drinks, and snacks and a place to crash when you need a break from coding, we'll even help cover your travel. When you're accepted, we'll have a page where you can submit your required travel reimbursement forms and receipts. We’ll determine a reasonable cap based on your travel from location to reimburse up to. This cycle we're excited to have even more travel reimbursements available than past years!
Once I am accepted, what do I need to bring?
Need: Laptop and charger, cellphone and charger, sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries, a couple changes of clothes (nerdy shirts are particularly appreciated). Consider bringing clothes that can get wet (We can neither confirm nor deny there may or may not be a water fight).
Don't need: a pre-determined team, an idea for an app, food or drink.
Please don't bring: Firearms or other weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs, soldering or similar equipment, animals (no matter how adorable).
When/where can I hack?
PennApps will start with the kick-off ceremony at Penn Engineering Quad. There will be events planned throughout the day for those who arrive early. A detailed schedule of events and locations will be posted later. All work eligible for prizes must be completed between Friday night after the kick-off and Sunday morning.
What can I win?
It's not about winning—it's about learning and making friends that last for a lifetime (so everyone's a winner!). If you're thinking, "that's adorable...but really," then we've got you covered too. A panel of professional judges will select the top three hacks based on the following criteria: creativity, technical difficulty, polish, and usefulness. Top prizes are TBA, but usually involve thousands of dollars and insane perks from company sponsors. Most sponsors offer their own prizes too for specific categories, which they judge and fund themselves. We had well over $40k worth of prizes up for grabs last time including Nintendo Switches and Oculus Rifts, if you like numbers.
What's the application process like?
We're looking for creative, innovative, and team-oriented hackers with a set of skills – mobile, web, hardware, design, or anything else that can contribute to a project. We generally prefer applicants who showcase their ability through links, project descriptions, Github profiles, video demos or participation/awards in other hackathons. We love first-time hackers who show us what makes you special in whatever way is most natural.
When will applications close?
The application will close July 20th at 11:59pm EDT.
Who can apply?
Any college, university, or high school student 15 years or older on September 2nd, 2022 is eligible to apply.
Should Penn students fill out the application too?
Penn students MUST also fill out the application with their Penn email to sign up. Penn students are automatically accepted into the hackathon and have a later application deadline than non-penn students.
I'm not a student. How can I get involved?
Unfortunately, we can't allow you to participate in the event or be on site during hacking. If you're looking to mentor (i.e. someone with technical skills who'd be willing to help out participants during the weekend) or lead a workshop (i.e. speakers that lead events on topics that they are passionate about to the hackers), reach out to us at [email protected]. Otherwise, you can see the finished products at the demos on Sunday (time and location TBA).
How is PennApps run?
PennApps is planned almost entirely by University of Pennsylvania students, with some advice and assistance from our friends at Penn Engineering. One hundred percent of the funding for PennApps comes from corporate sponsor donations. You can find more information about sponsoring at our sponsor section.
How should I behave?
Be respectful and considerate of your fellow hackers. We're all here to learn and have a good time. Everyone deserves the chance to hack free of the fear of being harrassed.
What should I do if I have additional questions or want to express my limitless gratitude?
Aw shucks. Shoot us an email at [email protected]!